Function sc_consensus_aura::start_aura [−][src]
pub fn start_aura<B, C, SC, E, I, P, SO, CAW, Error>(
slot_duration: SlotDuration,
client: Arc<C>,
select_chain: SC,
block_import: I,
env: E,
sync_oracle: SO,
inherent_data_providers: InherentDataProviders,
force_authoring: bool,
keystore: KeyStorePtr,
can_author_with: CAW
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = ()>, Error> where
B: BlockT,
C: ProvideRuntimeApi<B> + BlockOf + ProvideCache<B> + AuxStore + Send + Sync,
C::Api: AuraApi<B, <P as Pair>::Public>,
SC: SelectChain<B>,
E: Environment<B, Error = Error> + Send + Sync + 'static,
E::Proposer: Proposer<B, Error = Error, Transaction = TransactionFor<C, B>>,
P: Pair + Send + Sync,
P::Public: AppPublic + Hash + Member + Encode + Decode,
P::Signature: TryFrom<Vec<u8>> + Hash + Member + Encode + Decode,
I: BlockImport<B, Transaction = TransactionFor<C, B>> + Send + Sync + 'static,
Error: Error + Send + From<Error> + 'static,
SO: SyncOracle + Send + Sync + Clone,
CAW: CanAuthorWith<B> + Send,
Start the aura worker. The returned future should be run in a futures executor.