Trait pallet_authorship::FilterUncle [−][src]
Additional filtering on uncles that pass preliminary ancestry checks.
This should do work such as checking seals
Associated Types
type Accumulator: Default
An accumulator of data about uncles included.
In practice, this is used to validate uncles against others in the same block.
Required methods
fn filter_uncle(
header: &Header,
acc: &mut Self::Accumulator
) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>
header: &Header,
acc: &mut Self::Accumulator
) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>
Do additional filtering on a seal-checked uncle block, with the accumulated filter.
Implementations on Foreign Types
impl<H, A> FilterUncle<H, A> for ()
type Accumulator = ()
fn filter_uncle(
_: &H,
_acc: &mut Self::Accumulator
) -> Result<Option<A>, &'static str>
_: &H,
_acc: &mut Self::Accumulator
) -> Result<Option<A>, &'static str>
impl<Header, Author, T> FilterUncle<Header, Author> for OnePerAuthorPerHeight<T, Header::Number> where
Header: HeaderT + PartialEq,
Header::Number: Ord,
Author: Clone + PartialEq + Ord,
T: VerifySeal<Header, Author>,
Header: HeaderT + PartialEq,
Header::Number: Ord,
Author: Clone + PartialEq + Ord,
T: VerifySeal<Header, Author>,
type Accumulator = BTreeSet<(Header::Number, Author)>
fn filter_uncle(
header: &Header,
acc: &mut Self::Accumulator
) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>
header: &Header,
acc: &mut Self::Accumulator
) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>
impl<Header, Author, T: VerifySeal<Header, Author>> FilterUncle<Header, Author> for SealVerify<T>
type Accumulator = ()
fn filter_uncle(
header: &Header,
_acc: &mut ()
) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>
header: &Header,
_acc: &mut ()
) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>