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What is Grill Chat?

A chat application built on top of the Subsocial blockchain 🔗. offers a smooth and simple onboarding and user experience while still leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

It can be integrated in multiple dapps to boost user engagement and community traction.

How does it work? 🧐

Let us try to break-down how works:

The Blockchain

Grill Chat is a next-js app connecting to our xSocial blockchain that provides 2 seconds block times for chat messages.

Content Storage

The messages content is parsed to JSON objects and stored in Web3Buckets on the Crust network, and the content identifier (CID) is included in the transaction on the xSocial chain.


The frontend client acts as a wallet by creating a key-pair for in-chat identity when a user sends their first message, enabling a smooth experience, as they don't need to have a wallet extension to use the app.

Later on, the secret for in-chat identity can be extracted and stored manually by using the export button under Profile.


As uses the xSocial blockchain under the hood, we leverage the energy pallet to sponsor user transactions for chat messages. This means the users don't need to hold any tokens to use the Grill App.

For integrations, you can sponsor transactions for your users, and gate access based upon on-chain credentials such as NFTs, DAO memberships, etc.

Extensibility is highly extensible, as you can integrate it using an iFrame in your dapp, or append the app with different types of functionality extensions like sharing NFTs, linking on-chain proposals, discussing a tweet or topic, etc.

Further in the docs we will share in detail how to create new extensions on top of Light Grill.