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Setting Up Grill Locally


  • Node.js v16.0.0 or higher
  • Yarn (you can use npm/pnpm if you want to)

1. Install dependencies


2. Setup environment variables

Copy the local example env file to .env

cp .env.local.example .env

3. Run the server

yarn dev

Congrats 🎉, you can now access the app at http://localhost:3000

Theme Customization 🎨

All of the colors used in this project are provided in the globals.css file in RGB format. You can change the colors in this file to customize the theme of the app according to your needs.

Environment variables 🌎

Below is the list of environment variables that you can use to customize your chat, based upon your needs and the needs of your community.

SERVER_MNEMONICWallet mnemonic of the server, in order to send automatically users EnergyYes
CRUST_IPFS_AUTHIPFS auth for using a Crust bucketYes
IPFS_PIN_URLURL for Crust IPFS pinning serviceYes
CAPTCHA_SECRETReCaptcha secret, read here for more information.Yes
USER_ID_SALTSalt for user address encryption, which is used for analytics (which can be disabled)No
NEXT_PUBLIC_SPACE_IDSYour space ID(s). All the posts in these space(s) will be listed as topics. You can use multiple space IDs, separated by a comma. The first space ID will be recognized as the main space ID, where you can access the home page in / route, but for the other space IDs homepage, you can access it using /[spaceId]. You can read on how to manage your space hereYes
NEXT_PUBLIC_MODERATION_URLModeration API url. Current moderation API:
NEXT_PUBLIC_AMP_IDAmplitude analytics ID (disabled if no ID is provided)No
NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_IDGoogle Analytics ID (disabled if no ID is provided)No

How to Manage Your Space home page contains list of topics for user to choose from. This topics are listed from all the posts in a subsocial space. You can create space in xSocial chain using Gazer - a CMS for Subsocial Network.

You can add chat rooms into your space by creating posts inside it. After you created your post, you can check that it is listed in by going to{your space id}.