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SDK Cheatsheet


Here is a collection of the most commonly used methods within Subsocial SDK. For more in-depth look into this library, please reference the TypeDocs.



yarn add @subsocial/api

Add utils library:

yarn add @subsocial/utils


import { SubsocialApi } from "@subsocial/api";


const config = {
substrateNodeUrl: "wss://",
ipfsNodeUrl: "",

Read more about Subsocial testnet here.

const api = await SubsocialApi.create(config);

Signing and sending transactions

import { Keyring } from "@polkadot/keyring";

const keyring = new Keyring({ type: "sr25519" });
const accountPair = keyring.addFromMnemonic("add your mnemonic here");

tx.signAndSend(accountPair, async (result) => {
const { status } = result;

if (!result || !status) {

if (status.isFinalized || status.isInBlock) {
const blockHash = status.isFinalized
? status.asFinalized
: status.asInBlock;

console.log(`✅ Tx finalized. Block hash: ${blockHash.toString()}`);
} else if (result.isError) {
} else {
console.log(`⏱ Current tx status: ${status.type}`);

Read more about signing & sending transactions here.

Reading Data


Space is the place where all content on SubSocial lives. It holds multiple posts from different people depending upon the permission. Read More

const spaceId = 1;
const space = await api.findSpace({ id: spaceId });

Check full docs here.


Post is the piece of content that provides value for the readers. It can be some written text, an image, or a video. Read More

const postId = 1;
const post = await api.findPost({ id: postId });

Check full docs here.


Profile is linked to your Subsocial account address, and is an overview of your activity on Subsocial. You can set a profile picture and a username for your account, as well as a personal website link. Read More

const accountId = "<account_public_key>";
const profile = await api.base.findProfileSpace(accountId);

Check full docs here.

Writing Data


To store data on IPFS, it is necessary to set up a CRUST IPFS account and push the data from your account.

You set authHeader and setup with Subsocial SDK like this:

This is only required for the Testnet. On the Mainnet, this will not work.


authorization: "Basic " + authHeader,


Add following import statement:

import { IpfsContent, OptionBool } from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers";

Storing space details in IPFS, and generating a CID.

const ipfsImageCid = await api.ipfs.saveFile(file);

const cid = await ipfs.saveContent({
"Subsocial is an open protocol for decentralized social networks and marketplaces. It`s built with Substrate and IPFS",
image: ipfsImageCid,
name: "Subsocial",
tags: ["subsocial"],

Creating a Space transaction object

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;
const spaceTransaction = substrateApi.tx.spaces.createSpace(
null // Permissions config (optional)

Sign and send the transaction, Check Here

Check the full docs here.


Add following import statement:

import { IpfsContent, OptionBool } from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers";

Storing post details in IPFS, and generating a CID.

const ipfsImageCid = await api.ipfs.saveFile(file);

const cid = await ipfs.saveContent({
title: "What is Subsocial?",
image: ipfsImageCid,
tags: ["Hello world", "FAQ"],
body: "Subsocial is an open protocol for decentralized social networks and marketplaces. It`s built with Substrate and IPFS.",

Creating a post transaction object

const spaceId = "1"; // The space in which you're posting.
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;
const postTransaction = substrateApi.tx.posts.createPost(
{ RegularPost: null }, // Creates a regular post.

Sign and send the transaction, Check Here

Check the full docs here.


Add the following import statement:

import { IpfsContent } from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers";

Storing profile details in IPFS, and generating a CID to add on blockchain:

const ipfsImageCid = await api.ipfs.saveFile(file);
const cid = await ipfs.saveContent({
about: "Subsocial official account.",
avatar: ipfsImageCid,
name: "Subsocial",

Profiles in Subsocial is a simple space with it's Id marked on the blockchain to represent as profile.

Now, create a new space as mentioned here, so we can mark it as a profile.

Creating a profile object:

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;

const spaceId = 3232; // The Id of space you want to mark as profile.
const profileTransaction = substrateApi.tx.profiles.setProfile(spaceId);

To change profile data, update the profile space from it's id.

Sign and send the transaction, Check Here

Check the full docs here.


Comments are replies to a post that are visible below a post.

Reading Comments

import { idToBn } from "@subsocial/utils";

const postId = "1";

// Get reply ids (comments) by parent post id and fetch posts by ids
const replyIds = await api.blockchain.getReplyIdsByPostId(idToBn(postId));

// For getting comments use posts functions
const replies = await api.findPublicPosts(replyIds);

Writing Comments

import { IpfsContent } from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers";

const spaceId = "1"; // Optional.
const rootPostId = "1";
const cid = await ipfs.saveContent({
body: "Keep up the good work!",

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;

const tx = substrateApi.tx.posts.createPost(
{ Comment: { parentId: null, rootPostId } },

Check the full docs here.


Check if follower

This checks if an account is following a particular space.

const accountId = "<any_public_key>";
const spaceId = "1";

const isFollower = await api.blockchain.isSpaceFollower(accountId, spaceId);

Fetch list of followers

For Spaces

const spaceId = "1";
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;
const res = await substrateApi.query.spaceFollows.spaceFollowers(spaceId);
const followersSpaceIds = res;

For Accounts

const accountId = "<any_public_key>";
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;
const res = await substrateApi.query.accountFollows.accountFollowers(accountId);
const followersOfAccount = res;

Check the full docs here.

Follow / Unfollow

For Spaces

const spaceId = "1";
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;
const tx = substrateApi.tx.spaceFollows.followSpace(spaceId);

Sign and send the transaction, Check Here

For Accounts

const accountIdToFollow = "<any_public_key>";
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;
const tx = substrateApi.tx.accountFollows.followAccount(accountIdToFollow);

Sign and send the transaction, Check Here

Check the full docs here.


Reactions are your signs to Upvote or Downvote a post.

Get all reactions

const myAccount = "<any_account_public_key>";
const reaction = await api.blockchain.getPostReactionIdByAccount(

Reacting to a post

const postId = "1"; // Post Id you want to react on.
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi;

const reactionTx = substrateApi.tx.reactions.createPostReaction(

Sign and send the transaction, Check Here

Check the full docs here.