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Create and update Posts

This section covers how to create and update posts on the Subsocial blockchain.

Create A Post

api.substrateApi.tx.posts.createPost(spaceIdOpt, extension, content)
spaceIdThe space where a post will be published.
extensionA kind of post. It can be a regular post, a shared post or a comment.
contentIpfsContent is a function that returns a substrate like implementation for enum { IPFS: "CID of your content"}.

🆃 PostExtensionEnum: RegularPost | Comment | SharedPost


A Regular Post

import { IpfsContent } from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers"

const cid = await api.ipfs.saveContent({
title: "What is Subsocial?",
image: "QmcWWpR176oFao49jrLHUoH3R9MCziE5d77fdD8qdoiinx",
tags: [ 'Hello world', 'FAQ' ],
body: 'Subsocial is an open protocol for decentralized social networks and marketplaces. It`s built with Substrate and IPFS.'

const tx = substrateApi.tx.posts.createPost('1', { RegularPost: null}, IpfsContent(cid))


A Shared Post

import { IpfsContent } from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers"

const cid = await ipfs.saveContent({
body: 'Keep up the good work!'

const tx = substrateApi.tx.posts.createPost('1', { SharedPost: '1'}, IpfsContent(cid))

Update A Post

substrateApi.tx.posts.updatePost(postId: AnyPostId, update: PostUpdateType)
postIdThe ID of the current space.
updateThe fields available to be updated.

Update properties

spaceId?If a new spaceId is provided, it will move this post to the new space.
content?IpfsContent is a function that returns a substrate like implementation for enum { IPFS: "CID of your content"}.
hidden?boolean, if post is hidden from other users.


import {
} from "@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers"

const cid = await api.ipfs.saveContent({
title: "What is Subsocial?",
image: "QmcWWpR176oFao49jrLHUoH3R9MCziE5d77fdD8qdoiinx",
tags: ['Hello world', 'FAQ', 'Subsoical'], //updated field
body: 'Subsocial is an open protocol for decentralized social networks and marketplaces. It`s built with Substrate and IPFS.'

const update = {
content: IpfsContent(cid),
hidden: new OptionBool(true),

const tx = substrateApi.tx.posts.updatePost('1', update)