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Fetch Reactions

This section covers how to fetch reactions on the Subsocial blockchain.

Find and load an array of information about reactions from the Subsocial blockchain by a given array of IDs.

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi

Get reaction IDs


query allows for the querying of multiple storage entries and the combination into a single result. This is a very optimal way to make multiple queries since it only makes a single connection to the node and retrieves the data over one subscription.

Get reactions

Get reactions (upvotes/downvotes) on posts or comments by reaction IDs (use multi request from blockchain).

api.blockchain.findReactions(ids: AnyReactionId[]): Promise<Reaction[]>
api.blockchain.findReaction(id: AnyReactionId): Promise<Reaction | undefined>


import { ReactionId } from '@subsocial/api/types/substrate';

const myAccount = '3osmnRNnrcScHsgkTJH1xyBF5kGjpbWHsGrqM31BJpy4vwn8';

const example = async () => {
const substrate = await api.blockchain
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi

const tuples = [ '1', '2', '3' ].map(postId => [ myAccount, postId ])

const reactionIds = await substrateApi.query.reactions.postReactionIdByAccount.multi(tuples)
const reactions = await substrate.findReactions(reactionIds as ReactionId[])

Get a reaction by post ID and account

api.blockchain.getPostReactionIdByAccount(accountId: AnyAccountId, postId: AnyPostId): Promise<ReactionId | undefined>


api.blockchain.getPostReactionIdByAccount('3osmnRNnrcScHsgkTJH1xyBF5kGjpbWHsGrqM31BJpy4vwn8', '1')

🆃 AnyReactionId

🆃 AnyPostId

🅸 ReactionId