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Create & Grant Roles

This section takes a deeper look into creating custom roles for your space and assigning them to accounts.

Types of roles

Role TypeDescription
UpdateSpaceAllows users to update the space, which could involve modifying the space bio, name, etc.
CreatePostsGrants the ability to create new posts within the Space. Users with this role can share their thoughts, ideas, or content with the community.
UpdateOwnPostsPermits users to update their own posts. This role allows individuals to make changes to the content, title, or other details of posts that they have created.
HideOwnPostsEnables users to hide their own posts from public view. This role provides users with the option to make their posts invisible.
UpdateAnyPostAllows users to update any post (edit the title, content, etc.) within the Space. This role is usually assigned to moderators or administrators who can edit or modify posts created by other users.
HideAnyPostGrants the ability to hide any post within the Space. Users with this role can hide posts created by other users from public view. This role is often given to moderators to manage content.
CreateCommentsPermits users to create comments on posts within the Space. This role allows individuals to engage in discussions, provide feedback, or share additional information related to post.
UpdateOwnCommentsEnables users to update their own comments. This role allows individuals to edit or modify the content of the comments they have posted in response to various posts.
HideOwnCommentsAllows users to hide their own comments from public view. This role provides individuals with the option to make their comments invisible.
HideAnyCommentGrants the ability to hide any comment within the space. Users with this role can remove comments made by other users from public view.
UpvoteAllows users to upvote posts or comments within the space. This role indicates agreement or appreciation for the content or comment posted by another user.
DownvoteAllows users to downvote posts or comments within the space. This role indicates disagreement or disapproval of the content or comment posted by another user.

Creating a new role

The following code snippet shows how to create a new role using the JS SDK:

  const spaceId = '1005'

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi

const roleTransaction = substrateApi.tx.roles.createRole(
null, // Time to Live.
null, // Content: IPFS cid or any description about the role.
['CreatePosts', 'UpdateSpace', 'HideAnyComment'], // Permissions.

Understanding the parameters of the createRole method:

  • Space Id: The exact space for which this role will be created & applied

  • Time to Live: The number of blocks until the role expires and ceases to exist

  • Content: Represents any data you want to associate with the role, like a description or other information. It can have the type None, Other or IPFS. Here's an example of IPFS:

      const aboutRoleCID = ''
    const spaceId = '1005'

    const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi

    const roleTransaction = substrateApi.tx.roles.createRole(
    null, // Time to Live.
    {IPFS: aboutRoleCID}, // Content: IPFS cid or any description about the role.
    ['CreatePosts', 'UpdateSpace', 'HideAnyComment'], // Permissions.
  • Permissions: The set of permissions this role will have like CreatePosts, UpdateSpace, etc.

Try it live on the Playground:

Giving a role to a user

Now that you have created a role, you can give it to a user.

  const roleId = '4'

const users = [
{ Account: '5HYYeCa1Hae5YYGJ2pHskHLVrA7V5WjaSuSbntidhhD9qqgs' },
{ Space: '1' }
] // List of users to grant the role.

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi

const roleTransaction = substrateApi.tx.roles.grantRole(

Notice that you can assign a role to a user in two different ways:

  • By Account: Via the user's account address
  • By Space Id: Mentioning the Space Id of a user's profile space

Try it live on the Playground:

Revoking a role from a user

The following exmaple shows how you can revoke a role from a user:

  const roleId = '4'

const users = [
{ Account: '5HYYeCa1Hae5YYGJ2pHskHLVrA7V5WjaSuSbntidhhD9qqgs' },
{ Space: '1' }
] // List of users to grant the role.

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi

const roleTransaction = substrateApi.tx.roles.revokeRole(

Try it live on the Playground: