Creating a Tweet
To post a new tweet, we need to have a space. For the purpose of this tutorial, I created a new space using our Playground.
Space ID: 1059
Now, Let's rewrite the onTweetBtnClick method of src/components/tweet-box.tsx.
import {
} from '@subsocial/api/substrate/wrappers'
// ...
const SPACE_ID = '1059'
const ACCOUNT_STORAGE_KEY = 'connected_account'
const TweetBox: React.FC = () => {
const [tweetData, setTweet] = useState('');
const { api } = useContext(SubsocialContext)
const onTweetBtnClick = async () => {
if (!api) return;
const accountAddress = localStorage.getItem(ACCOUNT_STORAGE_KEY) ?? ''
const cid = await api.ipfs.saveContent({
title: accountAddress,
body: tweetData,
const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi
const postTransaction = substrateApi.tx.posts.createPost(
{ RegularPost: null }, // Creates a regular post.
await polkadotjs.signAndSendTx(postTransaction, accountAddress, logTransaction)