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Login Screen

Now, let's first write the login / signup screen.

In web3, user authentication is done via wallets. In this case, we will be using the Polkadot.js wallet extension.

This is how it looks:

Login Screen

Creating the login screen UI

Follow the steps to create this login screen:

  1. Create a new file with the name login.tsx inside a new directory screens in the src folder.

  2. Paste the following content:

import Logo from '../svgs/logo.svg';

type LoginScreenProps = {
onLoginClick: () => void

const LoginScreen = ({ onLoginClick }: LoginScreenProps) => {

return (
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center container mt-5 text-white mx-auto">

<div className='flex flex-1 justify-center'>
<img src={Logo} width="40px" alt="Twitter Logo" />

<span className="font-bold text-2xl mt-6 pt-1 text-center">Log in to Twitter</span>
<small className="text-center">powered by Subsocial</small>
<div className=" lg:w-5/12 lg:px-0 px-5 w-full mt-5 mx-auto">
className={`bg-primary focus:outline-none font-bold hover:bg-primary-hover text-white rounded-full w-full py-3`}>
Log in

export default LoginScreen
  1. Download the svgs and save the directory inside the src folder (if it's not there already).

Connecting to the wallet

For connecting the web app to the wallet, we need to do 2 things:

  • Use the methods provided by the Subsocial Starter to connect to the wallet
  • Saving / Fetching selected the wallet address to localstorage

Fetching a list of all accounts

Update the App.tsx file above the return statement like this, and clear everything else:

import { useState } from 'react'
import polkadotjs from './subsocial/wallets/polkadotjs'
import LoginScreen from './login'

const ACCOUNT_STORAGE_KEY = 'connected_account'

const App = () => {

const [account, setAccount] = useState<string | null>(localStorage.getItem(ACCOUNT_STORAGE_KEY))

const connectWallet = async () => {
const accounts = await polkadotjs.getAllAccounts()
console.log('List of all accounts:', accounts)

// Store the first account address.
if (accounts.length > 0) {
localStorage.setItem('connected_account', accounts[0].address)
} else {
alert('No accounts found in polkadotjs wallet.')

// ... continue with the rest of the code below

export default App

Rendering the UI conditionally

Now, we have to make sure that the login screen UI is rendered conditionally.

const App = () => {
// ...

if(account) {
// User is already logged-in.
return <div> </div>;

return <LoginScreen

export default App

Make sure to add all required imports suggested by the text editor.

The ... represents code part covered in previous steps.