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Liking a Tweet

We love interacting with tweets by giving them a ❤️

Let's add this functionality on the Dapp. Here's an example:

  const postId = '1' // Post Id you want to react on.
const substrateApi = await api.blockchain.api

const reactionTx = substrateApi.tx.reactions.createPostReaction(postId, 'Upvote')

It's time to add this in the codebase inside of tweet.tsx like this:

  // ...

const ACCOUNT_STORAGE_KEY = 'connected_account'

const TweetComponent: React.FC<ITweet> = props => {

const { api } = useContext(SubsocialContext)

const likeTweet = async () => {
if(!api) return;

const account = localStorage.getItem(ACCOUNT_STORAGE_KEY) ?? ''
const substrateApi = await api.blockchain.api

const reactionTx = substrateApi.tx.reactions.createPostReaction(!, 'Upvote')
polkadotjs.signAndSendTx(reactionTx, account, logTransaction)


Add an onClick listener for this method:

const TweetComponent: React.FC<ITweet> = props => {
<div onClick={likeTweet} className="text-gray-500 select-none hover:text-pinkish anim flex items-center">
<Heart color="white" height="20px" width="20px" />
<span className="ml-3 mr-3 text-lg">{props.likes}</span>